Have you bought a new computer or laptop, perhaps its just been delivered and you are having problems with setting it up. Perhaps you cant print or scan properly or need help adding your email to outlook.
Having a friendly IT guy who can log in with remote software to your pc and set it up or iron out problems can save you a lot of time and money, why pay for someone to come onsite for something that might only take a few minutes.
See our google reviews of happy customers!
While Im based on sunshine coast Australia, the beauty of remote support these days is being able to log in to your machine no matter where you live in Australia or New Zealand.
Remote Support is done with either teamviewer anydesk or Start Control
Call (07) 5491 9998 for support.
I have been doing computer IT support for 26 years, so you can trust I have the experience to help.
Charging is done by time spent, minimum 15min block. Charging can be done by card over phone. For regular customers we send an Invoice out as needed.